Tuesday 30 July 2013

World Newah Organization

World Newah Organization formed the full Executive Committee today with following members:

Executive Committee 2011 (N.S. 1132)
Chief Patron: Dr. Satya Mohan Joshi, Nepal
Prof. Manik Lal Shrestha, Nepal
Dr. Padma Ratna Tuladhar, Nepal
Prof. Dr. David N. Gellner, UK
Prof. Dr. Keshav Lal Maharjan, Japan
Dr. Mahesh Man Shrestha, Nepal
Prof. Prem Santi Tuladhar, Nepal
Rabindra Man Shrestha, Belgium
Rajiva Shanker Shresta, India
President: Dr. Bal Gopal Shrestha, UK
Krishna Chakhun, UK & Russia
Daya Ratna Shakya, USA
Suwarn Vajracharya, Japan
Secretary: Neelam Pradhananga, Australia
Secretary and Spokesperson: Subhash Ram Prajapati, USA
Treasurer: Rahena Wester Shrestha, Germany
Public Relation:
Bhiksu Ananda Path, Nepal
Dr. Narayan B Rajbhandari, USA
Publication Committee:
Binod Manandhar, USA
Sanyukta Shrestha, UK
Shashi Mahaju, UK
Executive Members:
Anish Malla, People’s Republic of China
Dr. Bijaya Sainju, Nepal
Bhiksu Bipashi, Thailand
Govinda Shrestha, Canada
Krishna Hari Maharjan, The Netherlands
Krishna Prakash Shrestha, Russia
Narottam Manandhar, Denmark
Rojina Awale, Bangladesh
Dr. Roshan Shrestha, USA
Suchitra Bahadur Shrestha, USA
Dr. Sujan Malla, Switzerland
Sumitra Pradhan, France
Surendra Amatya, Belgium
Suresh Vajracharya, Spain
Swayambhudhar Tuladhar, Portugal
Ex-officio members:
Dr. Sachetan Tuladhar, President, Pasa Pucha Guthi, UK
Season Shrestha, President, Newah Organization of America, USA
Rajani Pradhan, President, Pasa Pucha, Belgium
Rajeesh Shrestha, Nepal Khala, USA
Prajwal R Vajracharya, Dance Mandal, USA
Representative, Nepa Pasa Pucha Amrericaye, USA
Keshar Man Tamrakar, Newa American Dabu, USA
Representative, Nepal Newah Association of DFW, USA
Prakash Lal Pradhan, President, Canadian Newah Guthi, Canada
Representative, Guthi Australia, Australia
Representative, Newah Pucha, South Korea
Representative, Newah International Forum Japan
Representative, Newah Jagaran Manch, Japan
Representative, Newah Jagaran Manch, Spain
Representative, Newah Jagaran Manch, Italy
Representative, Newar Samaj, Hong Kong
Representative, Sikkim Newah Guthi, India
Representative, All India Newar Organisation, Darjeeling
Representative, All India Newar Organisation, Kalimpong
Representative, All India Newar Organisation, Assam
Representative, Newah Dey Daboo, Nepal
Representative, Newah Swayattta Rajya Mankah Saagharsha Samiti, Nepal


The aims and objects of the Sikkim Newar Guthi are as follows:-

 To revive and preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Newars.

 To promote and develop the Newar language and script.

 To organize various social, educational and cultural programmes and other activities.

 To work for the upliftment of the poor and backward section of the Newar community.

 To create an awareness in the Newar community in particular and the society in general about     the evil effects of smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism and other andvices detrimental to healthy growth of society.

To protect and safeguard the legal or lawful rights of the members of the community.

  To maintain and establish better relation and understanding with other similar non-political association of Sikkim.

To create and forster better understanding amongst the members of guthi and community as a whole.

To provide for a common forum for the purpose of discussion of common problems, mutual assistance, protection of interest of the members etc.

To raise fund by various legal means for the benefit of members and the community as a whole.

To provide help to the members during marriage, death and serious illness etc.
  Such other objects and purposes which may be conducive to and beneficial for the members of      the community and to society as a whole.

Cultural and Storytelling Program by Sikkim Newar Guthi

Sikkim Mail
Gangtok: September 13:
The Sikkim Newar Guthi organised a cultural, literary and story telling program at Janta Bhawan in the capital on Tuesday. The program was presided over by the Minister for Human Resource and Development Department N K Pradhan as the chief guest, Padmashree Sanu Lama as a special guest, guest artists from Nepal and executive members of the Guthi.The program had numerous cultural programs performed by artists from state along with the delegates from Nepal who specially performed cultural show relating to Newar community. In addition to the cultural program, a story telling program was also held which was participated by 12 story tellers from Nepal and 4 from Sikkim.
N K Pradhan appreciated the initiative taken by the Guthi to preserve and propagate Newari culture in the State. He said that the present Government is very supportive towards any community who want to organize such programmes for the preservation of their culture and also presided the dynamic leadership of the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling which has enabled the different communities of the State to observe their respective traditions without disturbing the felling of oneness and brotherhood. Padmashree Sanu Lama also expressed his happiness on the endeavor taken by the Newar Guthi and wished it luck and also added that more such programmes should be organized in the future and that it should be taken to the National as well as the International level. The guest artist from Nepal Laxuman Pradhan (Rajbanshi) also spoke on Newari culture, tradition and language.